Wednesday, August 13, 2008


going off to Penang for my convocation

some mofos thought that i graduate from high school when i just briefly mention "going for graduation"

it is an ending to my 4 YEARS of UNIVERSITY LIFE

p/s: To people who said I look old, u are just plain jealous cause when u stand beside me, u look old enough to become my mom.whatever. hate haters.
p/p/s: old or young, u will still need me when it comes to drugs, yes, whether u like it or not. *jeer*
p/p/p/s: please dont miss me while i am gone. it will only be for 3days.


Mei-Wah said...

CONGRATULATIONS roses... :) you have finally graduated~ i am so damn happy to have a pharmacist friend who able to cater all my questions, espeacially on my mummy's condition...

Anonymous said...

Gratz, Rose. i wish you a safe journey to Penang. Bring back some laksa for me. LOL. :-D

Chris said...

Wah!! Congratulations wo!! All the best in your future..

Pete said...

Congratulations on your graduation! Now you are promoted to Drug Kingpin, no more drug dealer! ha ha.

Calvin Soo KJ said...

congrats!! congrats!! congrats!!
let uncle hug2 you. you're now promoted from a drug dealer to a drug kingpin. lol....

Roses said...

thanks for the "congrats" u guys

dear Juan
u can get the same advice from others in the field too. it's just that my line for u is open 24/ u can drop me a line anytime. i'll help whenever i can

dear cleff
i started to have slight phobia on penang hawkers. they got me diarrhea. and vomits. *bleks

dear chris
thanks, man. i wish i can have ur life of flying around d globe

dear pete
i need experience to rule the throne.a 4-yr study is not enough to take over the back-lane. hehehe..

dear calvin
u said exactly the same thing as pete. hehehe..thanks for the congrats hugs~~

Pike-chan said...

congratulations on your graduation! what major u did ?

Roses said...

dear tofu aka pikey
major in drugs.thanks for the congrats, alrite. and thanks for dropping by... ;)