while the politics are swarming the paper right now, obviously we, the normal ones, would want our fair piece of an ordinary life.
being too ordinary myself, i am actually in the DRY SEASON of blogging
a few days ago, i got to know, a second degree friend (Hwa Yi-Jien) was nowhere to be found since his hiking tour in Glacier National Park, Montana US

Though, we don't really know each other, sometimes when u hear things happening to even a second or third or whatever degree friends, it will somehow have an undesirable impact on us..
and oddly, i am sadden

pray hard for his family members. It doesn't matter to what God or religion you are in, as long as you prayed, somehow ur prayers will be heard..

here is a link provided just in case u also wanna kepo with me.

Hwa Yi-Jien
p/s: may he be found soon healthily and alive to brag to the world about his trekking adventure or possibly kidnapped by the aborigines and finally making friends with them, they love him so much that they let him stay with them a couple of days before he finally have to bid them farewell to return to us..
awww. sad news.
ok, back to dota.
Hope he's ok.
nice of u.^^
no-ball anon
u can fly kite u and ur dota.
may u live happily ever after with ur childish ways..
Some anon just dont have the BALLS to leave their names..
Oh my god! So sad to hear that. May his family be strong.
Omg, Rose, let's just pray that he's safe in God's hand. :-( His family must be saddened terribly with the news...
Eh, Rose...any updates on the poor guy? Did they find him yet?
dear all
thank you guys for the concerns..
today during the gathering, i heard from a friend, he is yet to be found. the search team actually gave up a few days ago, but apparently his mom (in Malaysia) dreamed that her kid is still alive somewhere in the jungle. she pleaded the team to start the search again. and now we are hoping on this....
plus, this guy just got MARRIED before he got lost...cham o not
rose, my mum informed me of this last week. and i also got to know that he is the son of our late pastor in wesley methodist church, kuantan, rev hwa chen (not sure of the spelling). our methodist church of malaysia did a mass prayer last sunday at 9.00pm sharp.
OMG...such a poor thing. His wife must be crying day and night thinking about her husband. I cannot imagine what they both are going through. Anyway, Rose, how have you been? Busy? You take care, k?
hey its been w while rose... how have you been huuh? i am busy working lately, but still doing fine =) how about you?
who the hell is that inconsiderate no-balls-anon who wanna die with dota? oklah, you play with ur dota till you have blood clot in your brain and die eventually. next, you will appeared on the first page of newspapers, whatdoyouknow - another anon will said the same damn thing, "awww... sad news, play dota and dead. sob. ok, back to ps3". wtf.
rose, i am sure yi-jien will be fine. may god be with the hwa family...
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