I am BACK!!!!
(reads "ta-dai-ma" meaning "I-am-HOME")sorry for the long await (if there is really someone who waits)...as Cleffairy said, i went author-block
random QUICK update of me to the

i just recovered from my diarrhea and vomit syndrome.
i am perfectly fine now with much

it was too nasty that I can even sit upright for 40 minutes to watch a drama. I slumped and lied down whole day

i went down to KL few days ago.
went shopping but this time 70% of it is just feast to the eyes

and i came home with mom questioning me "why didn't u buy this and that??"
all i can say is "NEVER DOUBT YOUR GENES"
(more about my KL trip later)

throw away that modern mooncakes inserted with cheese.
don't they get it??? it's so wrong to incorporate cheese into the mooncake.very wrong..

stick to red bean paste and lotus paste (or any mooncake without any bits of cheese)
note: i have nothing against cheese. i just have something against creamy dairy product in MY mooncakes

my personal reasons for not being able to write during past days.
my internet connection were plainly use to download dramas and movies.
i used net to listen to albums that will be hard to buy in Malaysia yet too good to be missed.
Myspace is a good way for Indie groups to promote their music.
my current love
i am featured in FuFu's blog.

*throws confetti*
and here is the major part
back here. Negeri Sembilan.
where i wanted.
thank God for that.
it meant a lot for me to be posted back here during my first year.
to get a confirmation from the church.
yes, fyi. i am a

will write soon. take care, sugar.
signing off with abundance of

Hah Rose, Glad to see that your r back. Good to hear that you've got the posting to the location you wanted.
Wahhh, shucks! Pete beat me to welcoming you back. *sulk*
Welcome back Rose...I've been waiting for you to get back into blogging all these while, really looking forward to your entries. :-D
I am also against those commercialized mooncakes...I bet it taste weird and expensive to boot!
hurrhurrhurr... you have finally back!!! and you are staying here for good! yay~ glad to hear that your posting is in N9.
heeeellloooooo!!!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!! hohoho
1stly, glad to know that you're feeling much better after all your vomitting and shitting...*oops mind my language*
2ndly, mooncakes with cheese sux.....spoilt the tradition.
3rdly, congrats on your job posting. your prayers answered.
4thly.....im going out for lunch now....hehehe. cheers and god bless
Wah! Finally u r back. Shud be many things to share.
glad to know u've gotten better, Rose! haha... i bet u're happy with the posting, right? but why Negeri Sembilan and not KL?
it's been soooooooooo long since i last seen u for god-knows-how-long!
take care!
okaeri nasai..............
thanks. i am glad that someone is being the first here. i am slacking behind..
my entries are mostly personal-related. i am not good in writing global topics so sometime i have this hesitation to write
Juan aka MW
i am glad i am here too. at least we still can hang out during weekend
well, i hope so.
thanks for being here..
valerie angel
cause my house and family is in N9. home sweet home, heard of?
first yr, it's always good to start low. then go out
it feels warm to hear that. simple but warm.
yeah okaeri... erm talking about akaeri, well you can watch absolute boyfriend(zettai kareshi) damn nice also, the main drama song is okaeri =) yeah you deserve to be FuFu`s featured girl @_<
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